
13 December 2013

Egg Norwegian

To be honest, I’ve never heard of eggs benedict, or anything from the same family, before I came to Hong Kong. Yes, I know. I don’t know where I have been the last few, well ever. As I love smoked salmon, I tried egg Norwegian before I even tried the Benedict. It was a magical moment when I put the first bite in my mouth. Angels were chanting and playing on their little harps and I am pretty sure I saw an aureole around my eggs Norwegian. It was devine, all my favourite ingredients assembled together on the same plate!

I always thought it was a pretty intimidating dish to make. Especially the hollandaise. To my surprise, it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be! In fact it was fairly easy.

Egg Norwegian

- 2 eggs
- 1 English muffin
- 3 tbsp vinegar
- 2l water
- 2 slices of smoked salmon
- Hollandaise sauce

Slice the muffin in two and toast it
Break one egg in a bowl.
Bring the water to boil in a deep saucepan, add the vinegar.
Stir the vinegar-water mixture to form a vortex, slide in the egg.
Repeat the steps with each egg you poach.
Put the muffin on a plate, followed by a slice of salmon, poached egg and some Hollandaise sauce each.

Hollandaise sauce

- 2 egg yolks
- 2 Tbsp water
- 100gr butter, melted
- juice of ¼ lemon
- salt and pepper to taste

Whisk the yolks together with the water in a small saucepan.
Add the melted butter in a small ray to the egg mixture.
Once the mixture has thickened, take it off the heat. Add the lemon juice and some salt and pepper to taste.

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